Disaster Management

15 Oct, 2018

Disaster management refers to how we can protect or preserve maximum number of lives and property during  a natural disasters.It decreases the effects ofDisaster-Management disasters .We cannot prevent the coming of natural disasters but can reduce their harmful effects by proper management in order to minimize the loss of life and asset.One of the best school in Himachal Pradesh conducts a lot of mock drills in school and tells about the plans and safety measures to be taken during the various kind of disasters and make students  aware of what to do during and after disasters.As on 11th October ,we had a fire drill in our school in which we were told how to use fire extinguisher and given  a practice how a building would be evacuated in the event of fire or emergencies and before this we also had a Earthquake drill in our school in which we were told how to prepare ourselves from the earthquakes .Drop, hold and cover are the skills which are to be used. To manage these disasters we are taught that we need to be in discipline to reduce the harm caused by natural disasters .Disaster management is a well planned strategy for making efforts to reduce the hazards caused by the disasters.It is assumed to be of great importance in recent times.It is a collective and coordinated effort each and every person must take an active part in disaster management to reduce the risk of human life.