15 May, 2019

Matter is defined as a physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit that occupies space and possesses root mass, especially as distinct from energy matter can exist in one of three main states: Solid liquid or gas. The three states of matter are the three distinct physical forms that matter can take in most environments. In extreme environments other states may be present, such as plasma, base Einstein condensates and neutron stress. Historically, the states of matter were distinguished based on qualitative difference in their bulk properties, we all are taught these thing which helps in the overall development of children. Solid mater is composed of tightly packed particles. A solid will retain its shape. It has a fixed shape. The particles are not free to move around. It is a substance whose molecules cannot move freely except to vibrate.Liquid matter is made of more loosely packed particles. It will take the shape of its container. Particles can move about within a liquid, but they are picked densely enough that volume is maintained. It maintain the constant volume, gaseous matter is composed of particles packed so loosely that it has neither a definite shape nor a defined volume. A gas can be compressed it is substance whose molecules have negligible intermolecular interactions and can more freely.

  LMS school provider us the education about these things.

 A solid can transform into liquid through melting and a liquid can transform into solid through freezing. A solid can also change into gas directly by a process that known as the sublimation.We all are aware the thing, so our future is ready for all those things.