15 Feb, 2019

Teachers used activity in classes to create interest among the students. Creative activities are things students do that involve developing new ideas, art works and other forms of cultural production. Students are characterized by originality and the use of imagination. Best school in kullu enhancing studies through creativity and activities. Every new idea or item created by humans originated in some type of creative activity. For example, Thomas Edison made a successful light bulb by trying amazing array of possible filaments. Human beings landed on the moon, in part, because a president imagined that it was possible. Best faculties always provide quality education with activity and creativity. Being creative is a fundamental aspect of what is means to be human. Creative activities include all forms of art, all forms of science, all forms of research, all forms of communication and anything else a student’s beings would do. Smart school provided creative activity. Especially for students, creative activities help with the development of cognitions, social skills and the ability to use language to communicate. A few activities that prompts training participants to think creatively that try to come up with out of the box solutions that you can easily in cooperate in any creativity or problem solving and decision making training program. From art and craft to other activities like walk, yoga, we have an activity group to suit everyone. Benefiting from creative activity. The positive relationships between creative activity, recovery experiences and performance-related outcomes. All activity is child centered. Students have time to engage in activities that enable them to recover from a demanding work environment and perform at a high level.  Creative activity allows you to express your individuality.reativity is an important aspect that brings about innovation. Our creative thinking exercise gets people to explore those limitless possibilities of their mind. These creative team building activities build trust, improve communication and encourage thinking out of the box.

Contribution by: Anjli and Manjhimaa

Class: VI