New species of Snakes

15 Jun, 2019

                                             New vine snake species found

The best School in kullu i.e. L.M.S. dunkhra believes in overall development and also informs its students about the latest discoveries including the recent Discovery of 10th species of the vine snake of genus Ahaetulla. This historical discovery was made after a gap of more than a century. Before this Discovery there were 9 species of vine snakes reported from the country. The Ahaetulla laundankia, the newly discovered snake, was first spotted by researchers in Similipal biosphere reserve near Lulung in Odisha. This rare snake has been reported from Mayurbhanj, Balasore and Boudh district of Odisha and other states like Maharashtra and Rajasthan. According to researchers, Odisha is home to three species: the common Indian vine snake, variable-coloured vine snake and the third being the recently-named Laudankia vine snake.

Key Findings

  •  Scientists took 10 years for completing field and laboratory work to confirm about new species.
    •    Vine snake is a slender rear-fanged snake with narrow head, and pointed snouts. 
    •    Snake is from Colubridae family, it has three prominent genera – Oxybelis found in American continent, Thelotornis found in Africa and Ahaetull, which is found in India and Southeast Asia.
    •    Scientists conducted molecular analysis that proved that the earlier samples were related to a unique species. Scientists found it genetically distinct from green vine snakes.
    •    After reviewing all the literature pertaining to the brown coloured vine snakes from India and after cross-validating with two old collections of brown vine snakes from Rajasthan, the team was convinced it had discovered of a new species.
    •    Their eyes have pupils that look like horizontal keyholes.

L.M.S. being a smart School appreciates such discoveries and believes that the students should be informed about such discoveries for skill development and for making their creative minds future ready

Manish Singh Gusain