15 May, 2020

Do you know an interesting thing, that the corona virus is not only just taking the lives of all living beings; from the other side it is also giving an advantage by “HEALING THE NATURE”. The 106500925-1587569387513untitled-1worldwide disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in numerous impacts on the environment and the climate. One of the main impacts of the corona virus outbreak has been a significant drop in air pollution in many parts of the world. Most notably seen in developed, or developing, industrial nations like China and in Europe, the drop shows just how much industrial activity has been shut down as of late. Overall Development of countries is affected by Corona virus. This is significantly improving air quality and reducing pollution in the skies above many countries of the world. Scientists first noticed a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions in China, where the pandemic began. This trend followed the pandemic’s spread across the world. Now Nature ready for future. Meanwhile, viral social media posts started to pop-up about wildlife sighting in urban areas, claiming “nature just hit the reset button on us.”There has been an unexpected effect by decrease in greenhouse gas emission. Greenhouse gas emissions have plunged due to rapid decline in travel and economic activity. They’re likely to go back up one the pandemic subsides. But, some pre-existing trends, like the rise of remote work, have now accelerated and will have lasting effects on cutting carbon emissions which is love and care for the nature. Moreover, due to the quarantine/lockdown the traffic in all over the world has been reduced very much and the factories, industries, airport and many railway stations have been shut down for a limited time. Smart Schools are teaching their students about these changes in environment by best faculty. Meanwhile, there will be a lot of loss in many businesses and the economic condition of the country, but there on the other side. We can get a clear and clean nature and environment.  The rivers and the air which was badly polluted and the ozone layer which was getting more holes on it are completely healed and the pollution has been reduced very much.

"The corona virus is driving us towards the emission reduction targeted by international climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement. So, the outbreak has forced us to reduce emissions that we cannot meet [with the targets] normally," said Huseyin Toros, of Istanbul Technical University.