How to divide space for a healthier life

08 Dec, 2022

Almost every person has at least once seen their screens before sleep and complained the next morning about not having a good night’s sleep. Well, this is because the screens we use make it harder to sleep in addition it’s scientifically proven that doing things other than sleep on your bed makes your sleep cycle deteriorate making you dissatisfied with your sleep and life hence you should your space. Suppose that your life runs on an engine which uses your health as fuel and has two segments one runs on your physical health and one on your mental health, when the fuels are not maintained the engine fails and you feel miserable. Let’s start with physical health first as it’s easier to accomplish also being physically fit makes you mentally fit too.

Here we introduce the concept of dividing space to make a room or a place in which only a specific task is to be done. For example, one room will only be for exercise. Exercise would maintain your physical health. It doesn’t need equipment at first but if you wish you can expand this room with some equipment. The next most important room/place would be for sleep this needs to be the most hygienic and exclusive room of all as slight disorientation will make your sleep disrupted and you will wake up in a really sad mood ruining your entire day. Unlike exercise, you can’t force yourself to sleep. If you can’t sleep you should read a sleepy novel and even then, if you can’t sleep get up from your bed and try in 5 minutes again. Setting a constant sleeping schedule is also useful.

You should also make a room for only office work/homework as you can force yourself to work but doing work forcefully degrades the work you are doing hence you should do your work willingly and not think it was imposed on you. Also, don’t be distracted while you do your work. If you feel distracted go to your default room the slacking room clear your distractions and come back to work.

Lastly, make the room mentioned above, the room of slacking where you fidget with your screens, eat food and watch TV. You must not spend too much time here or your efforts would all fail and all things you have done up till now will crumble.

At last, I would like to say that if you follow the above instructions as directed you will find a change in yourself